Committing, together, to MINISTERING in our HOMES
Your NEW FRIEND in the family ministry
Hi! My passions for Jesus, marriage, little ones and spiritual development have been combined in MRS! I believe we all have the beautiful opportunity to minister to those in our home. Welcome to the family ministry! We are here to empower you and your loved ones to grow spiritually, physically, and relationally. It is such an honor to get to do this with you! I am passionate about “loving the one in front of me” and empowering others to do the same. I did not know what I was capable of until someone asked me to go there. It would be my honor to ask you and your child to go there. Together, let’s make the most of every opportunity to better the lives of others- it starts in our home.
TOGETHER, we are learning to SPEAK the LANGUAGE OF LOVE in our HOMES.
Sometimes, you just got to stop and smell the roses.
With all the negativity in the world, it often makes it hard to remember the divine encounters in front of you. We run into the house overwhelmed with tasks to do, often racing past the most beautiful moments of the day. We get the gift of enjoying special moments with those we love, and helping them become who they were created to be.